Friday, March 9, 2012

Green Thumb

My herb investment: growing my own. This is a brand new endeavor for me and I will be growing my herbs, inside for the first time. Reasoning: I am renting, my lease is up the end of May and I'm uncertain to where I'm moving yet. So, outdoor gardening is out for me this year. Plus, I love using fresh herbs. My new favorite thing is putting cilantro in my salads. It adds a refreshing flavor, like no other. I bought seeds for cilantro, basil, garlic chives, and lavender. I will be using my empty egg cartons (basically free-bought my eggs on sale for .89), plastic trays to set the egg cartons in, potting soil, and the 6 packages of herbs. Total: $10.89. Considering that buying fresh herbs in the grocery store in the small plastic containers, usually run about $2.99, I got quite the deal. OR...we will see how the growing goes :)

Gas update: $3.79.

I've noticed for me, that buying scrip helps because I don't have the cash available to spend; the money is on the gift card. I know what I'm spending every other week and how much is being donated toward my nephew's tuition.  

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