Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New financial beginning

When I was in high school, I really wasn't into learning so much, especially my personal finance class. Boooring. I think, if I remember correctly, we learned how to balance a checkbook. My parents never really taught my sister and I anything about money either, except that it was good to save it. Oh, how I wish someone would have taught me something about money back then or that I would've cared if someone wanted to teach me about money.
It's not like things are that bad, but for the age of 34, they could be better. So, 2012 is the year I've decided to whip my financial health into shape. I have a great job as a public relations coordinator and I get to create new recipes for the company, so I might post a few of those as well, as I have a passion for cooking.

So, my financial goals for the year:
1) Pay off my debt
2) Consolidate my student loans (grad school added some nice, new debt :)
3) Meet with a financial advisor
4) Get a part-time job to help with the debt

I can't wait to get started and have some cash flow for once in my life.

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