Saturday, April 28, 2012

Selling Your Home

Getting ready to sell your home? Well, Bankrate has some great tips for getting your home "buyer-ready".

My Herbs!

My herbs are doing awesome! Well, except maybe the garlic chives and lavender. Planted more cilantro, which started coming up this week. Can wait to use my herbs!!!

Side Jobs!

Whew! What a crazy past few weeks. I've become a Pampered Chef consultant to earn some extra cash and free products. Plus, I can do it on my time, when I want, which is great for a part-time gig. Also, I have been working on starting a personal chef/cooking side business as well. I cooked for a friend's housewarming party last night and made easy, affordable appetizers: Shrimp Wasabi Bites, Waffle Fry Ham & Cheese Sandwiches, Three-Cheese Veggie Pizza, and fun dips using Silver Spring Foods mustards.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

One More Article to Check Out

Money Rules That'll Make You Rich

Helpful Money-Saving Websites

Awesome websites!!!

8 Weird Ways to Make Extra Money: pause the video and scroll down

The 10 Golden Rules on Saving on Everything

205 Ways to Save Money

Lowering Car Insurance

If you raise your deductibles on your car insurance, you might be able to save some money. I just went and raised my comprehensive and collision deductibles to $1000.00. and my premium lowered by $49.00!!!! I will be saving $10 a month on my car insurance. Now my payments are in the mid-$30 range. Unbelievable! And with my Snapshot discount, I also just got another 2% discount. What a great way to start out the day!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What's on sale in April?

April sales: new produce, notebooks and televisions (as it's the end of the Japanese fiscal year), swimwear, summer clothes, patio & deck accessories, rain gear, and party planning items. Spa week is April 16-22, so if you're in need of a massage, etc. you're favorite spa may be offering great deals that week.

April is also stress awareness month. What can you do to save money or pay off some debt and reduce stress?

Best Buy Tip and Fabulously Frugal

Best Buy tip: every Wednesday, all printer ink and paper is 20% off. (Thanks mom & dad)

I have a lot of things for sale currently on Craigslist. This past Thursday, I sold my computer desk. $100 went right towards my consolidation loan payment. I have paid off $1000.00 on that loan since I started all of this in February. Fabulously Frugal is paying off!

I posted my blog at Pinterest and one of my favorite websites, started following me. I am pretty excited about that as they have really good content and money-saving tips.

Herbs Are Growing!

My cilantro and basil are growing at a steady pace. With the rate they are growing, it is time to start another round of planting.